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Diego Hangartner . ENLACES . sessão extra

Atualizado: 20 de jun. de 2018

The phenomenology of somebody between intellectual traditions

and deep probing experiential cultures


My main interest is to understand the mind, the processes of consciousness and what leads to mental dissatisfaction - all with the aim to help people find mental balance and wellbeing. I dedicated over thirty years to external scientific research and internal meditative exploration of the mind and consciousness within their respective settings (ETH Zürich; Dialectic School IBD, India).

I am associated with and have worked for the Mind and Life Institute since the 1990s, and been associated with several universities, and research institutes, such the Max Planck Institute, ETH, Universities Zurich, Geneva, etc.

In 2015, I founded the “Institute of Secular Ethics and Mental Balance” (ISEMB), an interdisciplinary initiative, to develop and provide tools and programs that foster mental balance and personal flourishing.



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